Enviro Micro Bio

Enviro Micro Bio
by Emily Scholes, Gippsland startup founder
EnviroMicroBio assists industry on matters involving wastewater, water, organic and trade waste
EnviroMicroBio specialises in the provision of analytical services, process problem solving, biological monitoring and technical training. We chat with the founder and chief scientist Emily Scholes.
Startup Gippsland: What inspired you to apply for Startup Gippsland program and how did you find out about it?
Emily: I got an email from the LVA (Latrobe Valley Authority) which had news items. It didn’t seem too onerous to apply so I did. EnviroMicroBio grew out of my existing consulting work.
However I needed my own lab space and company structure to make that happen.
Startup Gippsland: Why did you want to join the program? What was the problem you were trying to solve?
Emily: My lack of knowledge of all things business, social media and financial.
Startup Gippsland: What was your experience like in the 12 weeks of the program?
Emily: The first weeks were quite social, but also helped me think about lots of the ‘value proposition’ and customer focused things that I had not before.
Startup Gippsland: What are the biggest benefits of you undertaking the SUG Program? Can you provide an example of how it worked for you?
Emily: The networking and connecting with others in the same situation. Trying to build your own project you often deal with stuff by yourself. The program provided links to others so that I can now ask for help or a different perspective.
Startup Gippsland: Have you discovered new or different users for your product/service, compared with original expectations? Are you still pursuing your original startup idea? If not, what is your new initiative (name) and where can we find it online?
Emily: There are new clients that I didn’t have before.
There is a lot more interest around anaerobic digestion than I anticipated. So this section of my business is growing well.
Startup Gippsland: What was your biggest success after undertaking the program? Personal or professional (or both)!
Emily: We were a finalist in the Victorian Regional Achievement and Community Awards!
Startup Gippsland: What was the Nr 1 skill you’ve learnt, and a realisation you’ve had during/after the program?
Emily: That I need people with a diverse array of skills to help make my business a success.
Startup Gippsland: Anything else you’d like to add?
Emily: Visit our website www.enviromicrobio.com.au to learn about what we do in The Latrobe Valley and beyond.
“There are new clients that I didn’t have before. There is a lot more interest around anaerobic digestion than I anticipated.”
Watch Emily’s Startup Gippsland Pitch
Emily was away on a work trip in Europe but sent us a video of her pitch.
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