How to make your Startup Gippsland Application stand out from the crowd?

While we are so excited to be seeing some exciting business ideas and applications roll through our virtual door, unfortunately, our 12 week Incubator Program cannot accommodate everyone. With the available positions throughout the 6 Gippsland shires being competitive, we have put together our top 3 tips to help your application get noticed!

We are looking for entrepreneurs and startups who really want to take their idea to national or international levels – this means scale!
You don’t need to know “how” you are going to do this (that’s where we come in!), but what we want to see is the desire or appetite to grow your business idea to that level. There are lots of different ways to scale including using technology, licensing IP and even franchising. We’re after founders with the aspiration to scale, and ideas that have the potential to do so.

Identify the core problem that your business idea is solving.

Ask yourself the following questions when completing your application: What problem does your idea solve? Who are you solving this problem for? What are the implications if this problem remains unsolved? And, is this a problem which is only a minor frustration for people, or is this a life-changing problem that desperately needs solving?

Think about how your business idea or solution is unique or innovative.

This doesn’t necessarily mean patents, research, or even being first to market. Instead, think about this in terms of your competitors or the alternative solutions which are already out there. How is your idea different? How does your unique idea stand above the competition? And, what unique or value-adding parts of your idea are benefiting customers more than the alternatives which already exist in the marketplace?

We hope our top 3 tips help you to create an application that stands out from the crowd!
If you need help with your particular application, or have any questions, please feel free to give us a call on 5644 3321or email us at

We can’t wait to help you bring your big idea and vision to life!

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